Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fun In The Son!

Today was a "family fun day!" We went to the Fun In The Son program that was held on the soccer fields at Sun Auto in the Tabarre area. A steady flow of people headed to the grounds. They were preoparing for 100,000 people to attend.

One soccer field had many games and activities for the children.

Benson and Stephanie are heading over to the games.

They got as far as the front door of the air house and then decided that they didn't want to go inside :)

Manu took off his shoes and ran! His friend Jonas ran after him.

Boy scouts helped show people where things were and also served as crossing guards as people entered the soccer fields.

1,000 churches were involved in this large evangelical event.

The UN was there too for security.

The Haitian police were there too.

It was a hot day and no shade. Only people who worked in the tents had any shelter from the sun. A typical day in Haiti :) The children saw this advertisement for Tampico and asked me to buy them one.

Manu, Fonise, Stepanie, Benson and me were getting thirsty, so Manu rummaged through the knapsack looking for the money.

They then went and bought some tickets for the drinks.

A children's musical program was taking place with a lot of singing and action songs.

A children's choir and their director were dressed in Haiti's colors.

They proudly sang for the audience.

We walked over to the other large soccer field where preparations for the main evangelical program that would start late in the afternoon.

The program was called Haiti Broilers and the American evangelist Andrew Palau would be speaking.

Haiti broilers is right. We were there a couple of hours and when we found out it would be another couple of hours until the concert everyone had enough of being broiled in the son. and we went home :) Here are Johnny, Herode and his brother Rosquini sweating in the sun!

We saw this man standing on a mound of dirt in a neat looking suit. The best part of the preliminary show was the motorcycle jumps!

With the assistance of a ramp the motorcycle became airborne and the bikes soared!

The drivers did some stunts while they were in the air.

The dirt ramp mound was used for the landing.

They were great riders!

It was a challenge taking photos but some turned out!

We didn't see any of the riders lose control, but when Manu was watching on rider banged their leg a bit.

It was fun watching this part of the show.

These drivers would do well on the roads of Haiti.

After we got broiled we went outside the park and found a shady tree to sit under. We had fun watching the "Cat Police"! These are the names of the police who drive these 4 wheelers.

We watched the people heading to the soccer fields or just walking.We then headed home and sat in the worst traffic jam I have ever been in! That is what happens when 100,000 people head somewhere at the same time :) I am sure the rest of the program went well.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Bill's Village - Part 3, Pastor Pierre's Baby, Fort Jacques

This farmer has cut small trees/scrub brushes down in order to make charcoal. We walked by as he was preparing the sticks.

It was a fun time with the children of the village.

The children had fun following the blanc to see what they were up to :)

Bill, looking back that we didn't forget anyone.

You can't be lonely in a village :)

We met up with Michelor's brother.

It is neat to see how a surgery can eliminate a handicap and give a child a normal life, like Doudeleimy.

Rob walking with some of his new friends :)

We walked past this families' cook shelter.

It was a Victory for Bill :) He was able to see Paulna's family again and make the village children happy!

The children here at Coram Deo like to look at the pictures on the blog of themselves

That's why I take lots :)

Paulna picked up some things at her mother's house and then walked to join us.

Voodoo is a strong presence in this village. This is some sort of offering on the ground to a voodoo spirit..

Saying goodbye to the children of the village.

Paulna rushed back home to pick up something she forgot.

The children were determined to accompany us to the truck.

A well was capped recently for water so that people could use a hand pump.

A child in the community.

Crossing the mud pit :)

Some sort of egret, mud bird :) Wherever there are cows you will see these birds.

 Everyone climbed aboard and we headed back home.

We also took a trip up to the Baptist Mission Hospital in Fermathe to visit Pastor Pierre's wife and their new baby. His wife delivered her baby at home but had complications. When Dr. Ed was up in Kenscoff for a medical clinic he took a lot at his wife and told Pastor Pierre to bring her to the hospital. She was hospitalized with a septic infection and eclampsia. This photo is off his tiny 2 week old baby named after my cousin Jeff :)

One of the members of the church helped Pastor Pierre and his wife in the hospital.

Pastor Pierre's wife spent 2 weeks in the hospital, and was discharged last week. This is their 8th child.

After visiting Pastor Pierre we went up to Fort Jacques. It was a quiet day up at the fort. Monday is the best time to go. We were the only visitors there :) This boy was running after this rim.

An elderly man was walking around the base of the fort.

We stopped for awhile to enjoy the cool air and the view. Now Rob and Levi know how dense the population of Port-au-Prince is looking down from the heights of the mountain.

Pinetrees on the mountain top!

Bony enjoyed using Rob's camera to take some pictures. He is an artistic guy.