Saturday, October 27, 2012


On Friday it rained and rained again. We needed to bring food for the neurosurgeries at Bernard Mevs/Project Medishare Hosptial and to the Christian Reformed Ministry Centre for the participants that Coram Deo sponsored for the Timothy Leadership Training Seminars. It was a busy day and we ended up driving around the streets of Port-au-Prince the entire day.

The roads by the Clercine/Tabarre area were even more flooded than the previous day.

Vehicles and pedestrians had to be careful manouvering the streets, canals and keeping a watch for potholes.

This woman is trying to pick  a path through the flooded street of Tabarre.

The canals flooded because all the garbage thrown into them clogged the flow of water through the canal at the side of the road.

Garbage filled up the canal and as a result flood water filled the street.

We drove through the ponds on the street.

Traffic was slow, but public transport vehicles were still running.

Schools were closed for the 2nd day. The flooded streets made it almost impossible for pedestrians to wade through.

The Rivier Grise continued to run full and fast for the 2nd day. This view is from the Tabarre bridge.

This refuge camp is nearby the Tabarre bridge.

The raging river waters were eroding the sides of the embankment. This home is completely undermined and it will be only a matter of time before it collapses into the river below.

The river waters eroded under the gabions and the gabions were beginning to fall apart and collapse.

This man was at the rivers' edge keeping an eye on the flood waters.

This is a  down river view of the opposite side of the Tabarre bridge.

These homes are very close to the side of the river bank.

This large section eroded away near the base of the Tabarre bridge.

Once the gabions were destroyed the river waters started to eat away at the embankment.

I felt sorry for the pedestrians making their way through the flooded streets.

Every step encountered water. Lots of people removed their footwear to wade through the water on the streets.

Motorcycles made their way with their passengers.

It was a wet ride for the drivers and the passengers.

Tap taps slowly drove through the ponds on the street.

This UN humvee vehicle from Peru is made for these types of conditions :)

This is a view from the Delmas 31 bridge. Work is still in progress and off to the right there is a hole in the bridge.

Erosion is occurring near the Delmas 31 bridge. This shelter is almost ready to fall into the ravine.

Garbage is piled on the street near our house on the uphill part of Delmas 31. Last week government cleaners were dumping garbage collected at the side of the road. During the rains it was dumping back into the ravine by the rains.

The pigs were happily munching away at the garbage.

I feel sorry for countries that are in Hurricane Sandy's path. It sure caused a lot of damage here in Haiti.

While we drove through the flooded streets we kept an eye on the vehicle in front of us to negotiate through the hidden pot holes. This was one UN vehicle that we followed.

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